Live Review: Lastkaj14 in Stockholm

Ever felt like a concert might be lacking energy both on stage and among the crowd? Well, you won’t have that problem when seeing Lastkaj 14!

Lastkaj 14 is a Swedish punk band that was formed sometime in 2003/2004 by the bassist Stryparn and drummer Dr. Dille. The lineup of the band has changed but the current lineup was sealed when guitarist Kapten Grå joined in 2012 and in 2015 when guitarist Bulten joined. The band is famous for their contribution to the Trallpunk subgenre and the Swedish punk scene as a whole. One of the things that differentiates Lastkaj 14 from your usual band is the fact that all members are singers, which makes for a unique listening experience.

The band released the album titled I brist på annat in 2010 which became the first of – at the moment – 7 full-length albums. Their latest release are the singles ‘Fem millimeter’ and ‘Skoskav’ from 26th of July this year which followed a few other singles and an EP earlier this year.

Lastkaj 14’s lyrics follow the typical punk route. The songs contain impactful messages of anti-consumerism, inequalities and depictions of the working-class life etc. and are accompanied with fast-paced aggressive instrumentals that really hammer in the message. Already when listening to the songs you get a feel for how they are live – loud, fast and full of energy.


Photo: Nora Herrgård

On the 7th of August Lastkaj 14 was playing at Dansbanan. A venue in the amusement park Gröna Lund located in Stockholm, Sweden. The venue is intimate being quite small and instead of walls there are wooden railings bordering to the amusement park. Before the show starts you can lean against said railings and look out at the crowd of kids running from attraction to attraction mingling with a bunch of punk rockers. A sight to see, I’ll say.

Barely a minute late, the band enters stage with a beer in hand and starts setting up their instruments to the roar of the crowd. Stryparn lifts his glass to the crowd and ‘Samhället suger!’ starts blasting through the speakers. If you thought Lastkaj 14 were loud in your earbuds, the live performance might blow you away. The crowd is immediately filled with rapid headbanging and jumping accompanying the aggressive playing.

The rest of the setlist was packed with hits such as ‘Ändras och förändra’, ‘Du är inte här’, ‘längst upp på bottens topp’ and ’becksvart’ – all of which was played with enough energy to nearly blow the roof off. One of the more magical parts, however, came when the track ‘Inte arg’ was played. When the chorus came the band stopped playing and let the crowd take over. And they did not disappoint. It was as if the whole crowd knew the words and used it as a moment to let all their anger and frustration out – ironically enough to a song which title translates to ‘not angry’.

Lastkaj 14 might be really good at the fast-paced aggressive playing, but they did just as well manage to impress with more slower and emotional pieces. They were really good at balancing these two in songs such as ‘Becksvart’ where it alternates between more aggressive and then softer parts – something that really elevates the listening experience.


Photo: Nora Herrgård

The encore ends with the smash-hit “Håll höjd” which seemed to be a crowd favourite. The cheers became louder and even the idlest of people began moving around.

As the band walked off stage they left a buzzing sensation in the air. My ears where still ringing (in the best way possible) as I stepped out into the summer night.

Lastkaj 14 is currently out on a national summer tour which takes the band throughout towns and cities in Sweden. After this show there are three shows left, so if you happen to be in Arboga, Karlstad or Hofors in late August/September and you’re looking for an energetic night of fun – you know where to be. Lastkaj 14 will blow you away!

Written by: Tove Hellmalm

07-08-24. Lastkaj 14. Gröna Lund. Stockholm, Sweden.